Thursday, 1 October 2015

Contents Page House Styles

In each content page a common theme is to have have the issue number on the right page and the logo and the word CONTENTS on a red banner at the top of each page.
Big stories tend to have a picture instead of writing and the other stories are written in columns with the page number to the left of the title, this is underlined by a thick red line with a short description underneath. On the right hand page in the top right corner there is a picture of the next magazine cover to promote a different product, this is a common theme within the magazine.
On the big stories there seems to be a theme to have a large page number to catch the readers eye to direct them to the big stories of the magazine.
There is a common theme to have 3 categories of stories: Features, Q review and Regulars.

This is considered a house style because these are all themes that are seen in every issue, each theme links to the front cover and double page spread as well e.g The colour red is on each of these three pages because it is the main colour of the magazine.

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