Friday, 29 January 2016

Contents Page and DPS Guidelines

Contents page guidelines

  • Multiple images
  • If just one image per page, contents should be over 2-3 pages
  • Contents page should reflect your cover stories
  • The largest image should be the cover star
  • Not all contents is on the contents page (majority)
  • weekly- should span over about 60 pages
  • monthly- 140-180 pages
  • divide your contents into sections
  • page number- 6 upwards
  • elements to include: subscriptions offer
  • letter from the editor 
  • magazine branding- colours and logos

DPS guidelines
  • A3 landscape- 300 dpi, RGB
  • weekly- page 40 upwards
  • monthly- page 90-100 upwards
  • big letter at beginning of paragraph- dropped cap or raised cap
  • pull out quote
  • publisher to place in columns and photoshop for graphics and photos
  • columns = no less than 6 words, no more than 12 words per line

Thursday, 14 January 2016

What My Magazine Is Based On

My magazine masthead is based on Q's masthead, as i have chosen only one letter as my magazine name and i have placed it in the left hand corner of the magazine.

my entire front cover will be based on Q because i will be using a large picture to cover the majority of my front cover and i will be using the banner of indie artists at the bottom of the front page, i will also be using different font sizes to indicate the importance of each story.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Images For Inspiration

Chosen images to inspire my front cover images-

I will be using this photo as inspiration for my double page spread, this is because it is quite a large landscape image and also it is very flashy and eye-catching so i think that this type of image will be very effective in a double page spread.

I will also be using this photo as maybe a photo to be featured in the contents page or in the double page spread as well because again it is quite a large image, but this is very simple and eye-catching.

I will be using this photo as inspiration for my front cover, this is because it is a very unique photo, but is also very related to Florence and the machine as a similar image has been used on her album ceremonials.

Inspiration For Improvements

To improve my front cover i am going to change the front cover image, I am going to be changing the band into a solo artist using inspiration from 'Florence and the machine'.

Florence and the machine-